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My Light and My Salvation

Why does fear enter our lives? Is it the enemy hitting us where it hurts? Is it our own insecurities? Whatever the reason, there is a solution! And His name is Jesus! I am not a Bible scholar. But, from verse to verse, Our heavenly Father is always helping us. (Isaiah 41;13) He promises that He will never leave us! (Joshua 1:5)

Look to the Lord! Know, trust and believe that he is your light and your salvation. I learned recently, that a stronghold is inside of a castle's walls. It was build to protect the most important person that lived in the castle. You have the stronghold of the Lord around you. You are an important person to Our Heavenly Father. So why fear? Nothing is more powerful than our Lord!

Don't you agree?

There will always be problems in our lives. Some can feel so overwhelming, that we just do not know how we are going to get through it. But for every problem, there is a solution. Start by reaching out to God. Focus on what you can control. First and foremost, it is giving it to God and choosing to trust in Him. Not an easy task. But He already knows the outcome.

And we know that in all things Gods works for the good of those that love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28

He will use this problem for your good.

Lord, Thank you for being our light and our salvation. Lord, You are the stronghold of our life. We give you the power to keep out what is keeping us fearful. These things are not of you! We sit still in Your presence allowing Your peace into our lives. Thank you for being our solution! We trust in you to guide us through the problems of life. We praise this in Your Name, Lord. Amen.

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